Become a Member
Interested in becoming a member of OFA? Scroll down to find out how membership can benefit you.
If you are interested finding out more about OFA or how to become a member please call (+44) 01856 871 818, pop into our office at Orkney Fisheries Building, Kirkwall Pier, Kirkwall, or click here to send us a message.
Anyone who is a commercial fisherman operating in Orkney waters eligible to apply, as well as wild fish and shellfish processors and those with an interest in promoting Orkney's commercial fishery.
Subscriptions are based on the size of your vessel: under 8m pay £100 (plus VAT), 8-10m pay £120 (plus VAT) per crewman, and over 10m vessels pay 0.5% of their gross landings per year. These subscription rates are subject to change and are decided by the members at the AGM.
Take A Load Off Your MindJoining an Association means that lots of individuals can know that while they are out doing their job someone else is looking out for any unwelcome developments that might be coming their way. OFA helps you deal with paper work, regulations and government interference allowing you to be independent and get on with the job.
Make Your Voice HeardCollectively, Assocation members can find ways to protect their fishery and their way of life for each other and for future generations in Orkney. OFA Works to make sure the voices of Orcadian fishermen are heard on both a local and national level.
Keep Up to DateOFA will read the dry but important reports and consultations that affect your business and we will respond for you. OFA will also keep an eye our for grant oppourtunities and other benefits that can help individual or groups of fishermen.
It's Tax Deductable!For less than 50p per day or for £5 in every £1000 of your gross you can join together with us. And your membership is also tax deductable!